We are not accepting new volunteers at this time. We will update this page and social media next time we accept new volunteers. We do not anticipate this happening before Summer 2025.

At HeyDenver, volunteers help us expand the amount of services we are able to provide to the community. We are a queer-centered testing and education site, and we seek volunteers that reflect the community we serve. We have multiple options for ways to volunteer with us: STI tester, front desk volunteer, event liaison, or special skills volunteer. HeyDenver volunteers receive extensive training in sexual health and HIV prevention and care to ensure they are set up for success. We also love fostering ideas from volunteers on how we can better improve our services.


  • A volunteer tester would help support HeyDenver by administering our STI testing which includes HIV, Chlamydia, Gonorrhea, Syphilis, and Hepatitis C testing. Testing visits include educating clients about STIs and answering folks’ sexual health related questions. This volunteer position gives you an opportunity to give back to and empower your community by allowing us to increase our appointment availability for free testing. HeyDenver testing volunteers receive extensive training (40 hours) and ongoing supervision to enable them to do this important and sensitive work. Success in this program requires good skills working with people, knowledge and appreciation of sexual health, and an intersectional approach to diverse populations. Volunteers are expected to pick up at least 2 shifts a month to keep up-to-date with your skills and understanding of services/ duties.

  • The HeyDenver Front Desk Volunteer position requires no experience and enables you to help us in an important way, while also supporting your community and fellow volunteers. In this role you will be the first point of contact for clients when they come in for testing, checking them in for their visits. You will also be answering and transferring calls, answering testing related inquiries and assisting clients in various ways. Volunteers are expected to pick up at least 2 shifts a month to keep up-to-date with your skills and understanding of services/ duties.

  • The HeyDenver Event Liaison and Beer Bust Volunteer requires no previous experience and is a very important role. Doing outreach in the community is a crucial part of the work we do at HeyDenver. We attend a lot of events including sexual health fairs, PRIDE and other events. Event liaisons are expected to interact with people who attend the events and promote HeyDenver services. We look for people who are not shy about talking to strangers and are able to manage the table and supplies while working with others. We need people who are organized, communicate well with the team and are reliable. Part of HD outreach includes participating in beer busts which are fundraiser events at local bars. Beer busts consist of pouring beer during a shift of a few hours and occur once or twice a year.

  • If you have talents and skills that you would like to volunteer to use for HeyDenver, let us know! We are always looking for different kinds of volunteers, including marketing inclined minds, graphic designers, cleaners, gardeners, or whatever your special skill is! Some of our best volunteer ideas have come from people who approached us offering to support us using their expertise!

Work for HeyDenver

We are looking for a new Prevention Coordinator for HeyDenver. The role entails STI/HIV education and testing, community outreach, social media content creation, and other harm reduction work. If you are passionate about sexual health and working with the LGBTQIA+ community this may be the job for you!

Community Advisory Board

HeyDenver’s Community Advisory Board was created to gain insights on the services we provide and the outreach opportunities we participate in, with the aim of improving them by listening to the feedback of the communities we serve.

The board is open to folks who have a personal understanding of living with HIV, identify as men who have sex with men, are trans or gender fluid folks who were assigned male at birth, and people who use, have used or qualify to use PrEP.

Our next meeting: March 13th, 2025 from 6:00pm-7:30pm