Trans & Queer Friendly Providers for PrEP & PEP

DISCLAIMER: The businesses, providers, services and organizations are listed in this directory as a service to the LGBTQ community. HeyDenver makes no promises or guarantees about the accuracy or quality of the services being offered. The community is advised to carefully review the organizations listed in this Resource Directory before making a decision about utilizing any listed services.

If you discover incomplete, false or misleading information on this directory, please send corrected information to

PrEP is a daily pill that helps prevent HIV. PeP can be taken to prevent HIV transmission if used within 72 hours after exposure to HIV.

Colorado Health Network

Accepts most insurance and PHIP, bilingual provider 

Contact the PrEP/PEP Navigator: call/text 970-260-9454 (for PrEP resources in CO outside of Denver, connect the PrEP Navigator)

Contact the clinic directly: 303-962-5317 or visit their website:

Denver Health Sexual Health Clinic

PHIP or uninsured ONLY, does not accept insurance.

Call them at: 303-602-3540 or visit their website:

Planned Parenthood

Many Planned Parenthood clinics throughout the state are able to prescribe PrEP and accept PHIP coverage. Please note, wait times for appointments can be longer with Planned Parenthood due to an increase in demand for their services.

Call them at: 303-832-5069 or visit their website:

STRIDE Community Health Center

Accepts PHIP, insurance, and offers sliding scale for low-income folks, bilingual providers available 

Call them at: 303-778-7433 or visit their website:

PHIP Provider Map

A map of medical providers that accept PHIP

UC Health TelePrEP

This program accepts insurance and PHIP and is available to Coloradoans throughout the state. To contact the UC Health PrEP Navigator, call/text 303-724-8245.